Partner Bret Collazzi Served as a Panelist for Urban Land Institute New York’s TAP Report that Reveals Strategies for Inclusive Economic Growth in the Bronx

Partner Bret Collazzi Served as a Panelist for Urban Land Institute New York’s TAP Report that Reveals Strategies for Inclusive Economic Growth in the Bronx

Urban Land Institute New York’s latest TAP report is out with recommendations on how to leverage a new Metro-North station in the Bronx’s Morris Park neighborhood to drive inclusive economic growth. HR&A Partner Bret Collazzi, who grew up less than a mile away from the station, served on the TAP last December and contributed to the report’s recommendations. The report highlights how the new transit link, set for completion in 2027, can support the future growth of Montefiore Health System’s Morris Park campus, one of the Bronx’s largest employers and a regional center of health science education and research. 


The report emphasizes the need for improved campus connections, branding, and activation of existing and new spaces to benefit both the health system and the surrounding neighborhood. We’re excited to see Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and local partners seize this incredible opportunity in the years ahead. 


“In pursuit of answers to Montefiore’s questions, the panel first identified a framework that needs to be in place to support any improvements to the system’s campus. Refine Montefiore’s identity and branding:  Montefiore has an excellent reputation in the community, yet it is unclear where the campus begins or ends or, following recent acquisitions, which buildings are part of the system’s network. The campus needs branding assistance and wayfinding signage, featuring this brand, is needed at the gateways to campus, along the sidewalks, at buildings, and more. Branded signage will also be critical at the train station to help guide transit riders to the campus.”


Read the full report here.