on Nov 07, 2012
Airbnb Acts to Support Hurricane Sandy Victims in New York City
Airbnb, the online marketplace for people to list and book accommodations around the world, announced with Mayor Bloomberg today that it was launching a free platform enabling New Yorkers to list homes and extra space for victims of Hurricane Sandy. People who are looking for a place to stay can access free spaces via Airbnb’s Donated Sandy Housing Directory at https://www.airbnb.com/sandy.
The online service, founded in 2008, is a leader in the emerging sharing economy. It has created economic benefits for its hosts, distributed the benefits of tourism to off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods, and brought new economic spending to cities from visitors who are price-sensitive and seek a “live like a local” experience they may not otherwise find in conventional accommodation. Airbnb also enables cities to become more competitive by attracting skilled workers and incentivizing relocation with innovative short-term stay opportunities.
HR&A recently completed a study of Airbnb’s benefits to the economy of San Francisco and is currently studying its impacts on New York City.
Mayor Bloomberg’s press release can be found here.