All posts in “News”

HR&A and Partners Launch National Effort to Strengthen City Economies


On May 22nd, 2014 the Obama administration announced the launch of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities National Resource Network (the Network) to help cities across the U.S. identify and implement new and practical solutions to facilitate their path to economic recovery and growth.


“America’s economic strength is driven largely by local leadership,” said HR&A President Eric Rothman. “We look forward to working with our Network partners to help cities across the U.S. realize more innovative and inclusive economic development through this exciting new partnership.”


The Network is administered by a consortium selected by HUD though a national competition and funded with an initial $10 million in federal investment. Joining HR&A in the consortium are Enterprise Community Partners, Public Financial Management, New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, and the International City/County Management Association.


HR&A is leading the consortium’s on-the-ground consulting activities in several cities starting this year. The consortium will provide technical assistance to approximately 80 cities over the next three years.


“The Network represents a new way of delivering economic development solutions to local governments – one that is demand driven and amplified by innovative uses of technology and peer-to-peer learning” said Stockton Williams, Managing Principal of HR&A’s Washington, DC office and Deputy Executive Director for Engagements for the Network.


The Network delivers three core services:

  • Support for Implementing Solutions: The Network deploys teams of private and public sector experts to work with cities on-the-ground to implement locally identified projects and initiatives that will deliver economic benefits in the near term.
  • Access to Networks and New Ideas: Through structured peer networks and innovative uses of technology, the Network empowers creative, collaborative problem solving targeting the toughest economic challenges facing America’s cities. The Network also generates real time analysis and policy recommendations that inform local, state, and federal action.
  • On-Line, On-Demand Access to Expertise: The Network’s website provides an unprecedented on-line library of tools, resources, and technical assistance opportunities that support and enhance the work of local leaders — including country’s first “311” resource for public agency staff working on fiscal, economic, and community development issues in cities across the country.


HR&A’s leadership role in the National Resource Network deepens the firm’s 30-year practice in economic development across the nation. Read more in the press release and follow the Network on twitter @NatlResourceNet.

Resilient Businesses Make Strong Communities

HR&A’s Rebuild by Design team proposes innovative resiliency investments for businesses in the Sandy-affected region.


In early April, HR&A’s multidisciplinary team submitted its final proposal for Rebuild by Design, focused on concepts that will enhance resiliency and economic vitality of the region’s coastal small business corridors and the neighborhoods that surround them.


HR&A Advisors has been a leader in resiliency planning in the northeast in the aftermath of Sandy, including Jamie Torres Springer’s role in the Special Initiative for Rebuilding and Resiliency, our work managing NY Rising Community Reconstruction Program efforts for New York State, and participation in the innovative Rebuild by Design process. We are also proud to be working with the Rockefeller Foundation on its 100 Resilient Cities initiative to develop resilience strategies around the world.


Rebuild by Design is a competition initiated by the Obama administration to develop and implement innovative concepts for resiliency in communities impacted by Hurricane Sandy. HR&A led one of the 10 teams of international design and planning firms throughout the 8-month process.


The HR&A team’s recommendations include program and design proposals for three study areas and one regional initiative, all of which support both flood protection and commercial revitalization, recognizing that the two can go hand-in-hand in innovative ways: from local associations of merchants taking collective action to the use of new commercial and mixed use property as flood mitigation infrastructure.


Proposals for Red Hook, Brooklyn, include large-scale infrastructure investment to create a neighborhood-wide integrated flood protection system, and an implementation strategy for identifying a local organization to oversee community planning and manage construction. For the Beach 116th Street corridor, proposals include a pilot of a building mitigation program, support for community planning, and expansion of the recently-established Beach 116th Street Partnership merchants association. In Asbury Park, we recommend a beachfront integrated flood protection system, restoration of the City’s coastal lakes, and urban design initiatives with the aim of uniting the City’s communities. We also recommend creating a regional program for building mitigation, starting with expanding New York City’s Business Resiliency Investment Program and creating a New Jersey Shore-wide initiative, providing funding and technical assistance to business and property owners to carry out resilient improvements.


The jury, including HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, will ultimately select projects from the pool of ten teams to receive Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funding for planning and implementation.


In August, 2013, the HR&A/Cooper, Robertson & Partners team was selected, from approximately 150 submissions, as one of the ten teams to particpate in the Rebuild by Design competition. Additionally, HR&A provided economic and policy advisory to support the Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)-led team and guided economic strategy for a third team led by OLIN and PennDesign.


Follow the latest on Twitter, and read more about the final proposals in New York Magazine, Curbed, and Gothamist.

HR&A’s Report on the NYC Tech Ecosystem Unveiled by Deputy Mayor Glen


The New York City Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development, Alicia Glen, unveiled HR&A’s study on the NYC Tech System. A consortium consisting of HR&A, the Association for a Better New York (ABNY), Citi, Google, and NY Tech Meetup released the study detailing the impact of New York City’s “tech ecosystem”. The study also offers substantive public policy direction for nurturing the future success of the ecosystem, and by extension, New York City itself.


HR&A Director Kate Wittels noted that “The spectrum of tech-related occupations — from programmers to sales reps — is creating well-paying and quality jobs for New Yorkers at all levels of educational attainment. Fostering the growth of the New York tech ecosystem will increase economic opportunities for all New Yorkers.” The tech ecosystem contains 291,000 workers who work in tech industries or perform tech functions for non-tech firms. The economic activity engendered by these direct jobs supports 250,000 additional jobs throughout the City’s economy, and generates $125 billion in total spending and over $5.6 billion in annual tax revenues.


Over the past decade, New York City’s tech ecosystem has grown by 18%, while total jobs have only grown by 12% in the City. The New York City tech ecosystem is also providing critical opportunities for workers with and without college degrees – 44% of all tech ecosystem jobs do not require a Bachelor’s degree; these jobs pay 45% higher hourly wages than other jobs in New York City with the same educational requirement.


Over the past several years, HR&A has contributed to developing strategies to grow New York City’s tech ecosystem. We managed the Take the H.E.L.M. competition to attract creative economy tenants to Lower Manhattan and are managing the NYC BigApps 2014 competition to facilitate the creation of mobile and web applications that leverage City data to solve civic issues. In addition to these programs, we were economic advisors for the Brooklyn Tech Triangle plan to enhance downtown Brooklyn’s tech sector.


Find a full copy of the report at and follow the buzz on twitter: #nyctecheconomy. Learn more about our study in the New York Times, Crain’s, Tech President, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and on NY1. Listen to Kate Wittels discuss the study on WNYC here.

Monocle Interviews John Alschuler for The Urbanist


Last week, Andrew Tuck of Monocle 24’s The Urbanist interviewed John Alschuler on HR&A’s role in shaping cities today. In his conversation with Mr. Tuck, Alschuler explains how HR&A participates in the global economy by advising its clients on issues that surface in neighborhoods and are solved in City Hall. Alschuler explains that the narrative of New York City is both “shaped by the wills and passions of over 8 million people, and it’s shaped and managed by the mayor.”


For the complete interview, visit Monocle’s website here.

Carl Weisbrod Appointed Chair of the NYC Planning Commission


HR&A is proud to congratulate our Partner Carl Weisbrod on his appointment as Chair of the New York City Planning Commission and Director of the City Planning Department.


On Friday February 7th, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Carl Weisbrod as the Chair of the City Planning Commission and Director of the City Planning Department for New York City. “Carl is a quintessential New Yorker. He brings a real passion for our neighborhoods and our diversity across the five boroughs. And he also understands exactly how the City can shape development to stoke the most growth, the strongest affordability, and the best jobs for New Yorkers. He is ready to take these challenges head-on.” said Mayor Bill de Blasio at the press conference on Friday morning. For the last few months, Carl served as Co-Chair of Mayor-Elect de Blasio’s transition team, where he worked to define the next Mayoral administration. As Chair of the Planning Commission, Carl’s top priorities will be revitalizing neighborhoods in all five boroughs and helping to create 200,000 units of affordable housing.


“Carl’s love of New York and his renowned career guiding public agencies and leading the City’s most challenging and transformative initiatives positions him well to help shape the next stage of New York’s promising future,” said HR&A Chairman John Alschuler. “We are excited to see what the new administration brings, and applaud Carl for his commitment to New York City’s residents, businesses and neighborhoods. Carl is stepping into a very important position in New York City, and although we will miss seeing him in the office at HR&A every day, we are thrilled to see him take on such a respected and important role for New York.”


It has been a pleasure working with Carl on a host of successful projects over the last few years, and we look forward to his continued involvement in the City’s future. With over 60 employees in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C., HR&A will continue to provide high quality and innovative consulting services for all of our Clients as we expand our portfolio for public and private entities across the United States and abroad.


Carl joined HR&A as a Partner in 2011, where he continued his distinguished career revitalizing New York City neighborhoods. While at HR&A, Carl led a variety of projects including but not limited to: the rezoning of Hudson Square, the creation of a new Economic Development Department for the City of Los Angeles, and the design and implementation of Take the H.E.L.M., a competition with NYCEDC.


Read more about Carl and his new appointment in the New York Post, Globe St., The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times.


Carl Weisbrod is no longer a Partner at HR&A as of March 3rd, 2014. Carl can be reached at (212)720-3300 or If you wish to contact someone at HR&A, please email or call 212-977-5597.

HR&A Projects Recognized with American Planning Association Awards


We are delighted to announce that three of HR&A’s projects were recently recognized by the American Planning Association (APA) with its prestigious annual accolades: the New York Metro Chapter of the APA awarded the Strategic Plan to Reposition the Brooklyn Tech Triangle with the Meritorious Achievement Award, the Missouri Chapter of the APA awarded the Expansion Strategy for the St. Louis Zoo with the Outstanding Plan Award, and Arlington County’s Community Energy Plan was named winner of the APA 2014 National Planning Achievement Award in Environmental Planning.


The 2013 NY APA Meritorious Achievement Award recognizes work of unusual achievement, in this case the Brooklyn Tech Triangle (BTT) Strategic Plan, released on June 18th. The BTT strategic plan focuses on how to secure the Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO and the Brooklyn Navy Yard areas as the 2nd largest cluster of tech and creative companies in New York City. Individually, these neighborhoods have attracted the interest of innovative tenants in the last several years, especially in DUMBO, which has become a recognized tech hub. As part of a consultant team led by WXY Architecture + Urban Design, HR&A spearheaded the real estate and economic analysis supporting policy recommendations to foster the area’s tech sector growth. HR&A helped develop a working definition of the target tech and creative industry sectors, assessed the current status of tech and creative companies in the Tech Triangle area, and recommended changes in public and private real estate development and management policies. Other members of the WXY team considered workforce development, transportation, and open space and streetscape strategies to foster the growth of the technology and creative economy in the area.


We are equally excited to share that the 2013 Missouri APA Outstanding Planning Award, which advances the science and art of planning through originality and innovation, engagement, implementation and effectiveness, honors our Saint Louis Zoo Expansion Framework Plan. For years the St. Louis Zoo has explored opportunities to expand its footprint across I-64, as it cannot accommodate its growing need for additional exhibition, back-of-house, parking, retail, and research space within its current location. In 2012, the Zoo acquired a hospital site located across I-64 from the Zoo, affording the Zoo this long-sought opportunity to grow. At the same time, the Zoo faces a challenge in devising a means to join the two sites across the interstate. HR&A was part of a multi-disciplinary team engaged to complete a framework plan for the 13-acre hospital site. To support this effort, HR&A conducted an analysis identifying market supportable uses for the site. In addition, HR&A analyzed the Zoo’s business operations to project the financial implications of utilizing the site to expand zoo attractions and program the new property.


The 2014 National Planning Achievement Award in Environmental Planning honors efforts to create greener communities that reduce the impact of development on the natural environment and improve environmental quality. HR&A advised on the development and implementation of Arlington County’s Community Energy Plan (CEP). The CEP for Arlington provides a comprehensive approach to reducing the County’s greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent between 2013 and the year 2040. The plan advocates for improving energy generation, use, and distribution to create substantial economic, environmental, and quality of life benefits for the businesses and residents of the County. The Plan promotes a number of goals, which address residential and commercial building energy efficiency, implementation of renewable and district energy systems, transportation-related carbon reduction strategies, general County activities, and outreach and education. HR&A recommended implementation actions and public outreach approaches to advance the Plan and its goals, which included incentive and regulatory approaches, improvements to securing approvals, and social media. On Saturday, June 15, 2013, the Arlington County Board unanimously adopted the CEP as part of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, approved the Implementation Framework Plan, and directed the establishment of a CEP Implementation Review Committee.


HR&A Commends Landmark Public-Private Deal for MTA’s Fulton Center


HR&A congratulates the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) for selecting the Westfield Group as master lessee of the $1.4 billion Fulton Center development in Lower Manhattan. The landmark agreement, approved December 18th by the MTA Board, leverages the expertise of one of the world’s leading mall operators to manage a world-class public space, and is the result of nearly two years of planning and negotiation.


When completed in June 2014 the $1.4 billion, 180,000-square-foot Fulton Center will link 9 subway lines, PATH service, and the World Trade Center site, serving as a gateway for approximately 300,000 people daily. It will also contain 63,000 square feet of retail and office space within the newly built structure at Broadway and Fulton Street as well as the newly restored historic Corbin Building at Broadway and Dey Street.


Under the innovative public-private partnership, Westfield will be responsible for leasing, operating, and maintaining the entire facility, including 100,000 square feet of non-commercial space. Westfield and the MTA will share in the revenues generated by commercial spaces and digital advertising displays.


HR&A was pleased to serve as strategic business advisor to the MTA on the Fulton Center project, providing support for: the creation of a retail vision and deal structure; RFP development and release; evaluation of bidders; and final bidder selection and deal term negotiations.

HR&A’s LA Office Expands and Relocates to Downtown LA


“HR&A has transformed its Los Angeles presence, broadening our services to clients we have proudly served for over thirty years. Stronger transactional and real estate advisory skills will expand our practice in Southern California, and the western states. Symbolized by moving our office downtown, HR&A will continue to contribute to the reinvention of urban life that is the common passion of our growing partnership.”
-John Alschuler, HR&A Chairman


HR&A is thrilled to announce a significant expansion in our Los Angeles office with the addition of Amitabh Barthakur, AICP as a new Partner and Judith Taylor as a new Principal. As of December 16, 2013, HR&A’s Los Angeles office has also relocated to downtown LA.


“The addition of Amitabh and Judith, coupled with our move to downtown LA, enables us to further support our clients with industry-leading real estate development, economic revitalization and energy efficiency advisory services,” says Paul J. Silvern, the Partner-in Charge of HR&A’s Los Angeles area office.


With over 20 years of experience, Amitabh brings a combination of international experience and a deep understanding of planning, policy and market issues pertaining to California and the western US. Amitabh has led an extensive range of high-profile local and international studies in the areas of sustainability, land use economics, land use and environmental policy, strategic planning, tourism, and hospitality. His clients have included the City of Los Angeles, State of California, the Southern California Association of Governments, the Housing Authority of Los Angeles, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation in India, and Economic Zones Company in Qatar, among others. Amitabh comes to HR&A after serving as a Vice President of AECOM, where he headed the economics practice in Los Angeles and then as Regional Director for the Planning, Design, and Development (PDD) business line for AECOM in India. He was previously a Principal with Economics Research Associates.


Judith brings 10 years of experience in the fields of land use consulting and community development, with an emphasis on economic analysis to inform community plans, specific plans, revitalization and land use strategies, and the entitlements process. Judith has a wide range of experience providing customized analysis for her public and private clients throughout the west coast. Judith’s specialties include fiscal impact analysis, economic impact analysis, real estate market analysis, and economic development and funding strategies. Prior to joining HR&A, Judith served as a Partner and Director of Real Estate and Economic Planning practice at Pro Forma Advisors, a land use economics firm headquartered in Hermosa Beach, California, and as a Senior Associate with Economic Research Associates and the economics practice at AECOM.


With these strong additions to HR&A’s senior team in Los Angeles, we look forward to continuing to support the economic development and public policy goals of our clients nationally and internationally.


Starting December 16th, our new address in Los Angeles is:


700 S. Flower Street
Suite 2730
Los Angeles CA 90017


Our main phone number in Los Angeles will remain the same. Please contact us if you have any questions: (310)581-0900. Amitabh can be reached by email at and Judith can be reached at

HR&A Study of Airbnb Economic Impacts Receives International Recognition

Airbnb, an online service for short-term vacation rentals, recently released HR&A’s study of the economic impacts of Airbnb rental activities in New York City.


A follow-on to HR&A’s previous study of the company’s impacts in San Francisco, the study found that Airbnb generated $632 million in economic activity in New York in one year and supported 4,580 jobs throughout all five boroughs.


In one of the most detailed studies of the new “sharing economy” to date, HR&A found that Airbnb is a new kind of economic activity that helps to grow and diversify the City’s economy. It brings new kinds of visitors who stay longer, spend more, and visit neighborhoods that do not traditional benefit from tourism. Moreover, it supports hosts who use the money they earn to help make ends meet, generating income through a more efficient use of resources that is facilitated by technology.


HR&A’s extensive study was based on a custom survey of 1,300 New York City hosts and guests, historic Airbnb booking data, and estimation of Airbnb’s direct, indirect, and induced economic effects.


HR&A’s Economic Impact Study on the City of New York has been covered by WNYC, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Real Estate Weekly, Media Post, New York Business Journal, Digital Journal, Tech Hive, Curbed, and Morningstar.


The official press release for the New York Study is available online.

Kaye Matheny Joins HR&A’s New York Office

Kaye Matheny, former Chief of Staff and Deputy Commissioner for the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, joins HR&A.


HR&A welcomes Kaye Matheny as a Principal. Her deep experience with public-private development and urban planning will advance our clients’ economic development and public policy goals in New York City and abroad. Her experience at the forefront of housing finance further broadens the capacity of the firm. Kaye’s prior experience as an accomplished consultant, combined with her leadership of the nation’s largest housing agency, demonstrates her potent skill set. We are thrilled to have her join our New York office. Immediately, Kaye will serve as Project Manager for the New York Rising Community Reconstruction Program’s efforts in the Rockaways, Breezy Point, Howard Beach, and Broad Channel.


Kaye’s achievements at the City’s Housing Preservation and Development Department (HPD) included leading the Bloomberg administration’s housing response to Hurricane Sandy, helping to launch the initiative to build New York City’s first micro-unit building, and re-writing the 10-year New Housing Marketplace Plan to ensure HPD could continue to meet its 165,000 unit target and maintain the stability of families and neighborhoods during the housing market downturn.


For over thirty years, HR&A has provided strategic advisory services for some of the most complex neighborhood, downtown, campus, and regional development projects across North America and abroad. With Kaye joining the firm, we look forward to continuing to support the economic development and public policy goals of our clients. As a leading expert at the intersection of policy, housing, and urban development, Kaye will concentrate on directing planning, policy and financing projects that respond to Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the northeast region and future threats related to climate change, in addition to supporting our work on housing and development projects.


Please join us in welcoming Kaye to HR&A. She can be reached at