For the first time in 12 years, New Yorkers have a new mayor.
So we’re getting together and we’re Talking Transition, transforming the typically closed-door transition process between Election Day and the Inauguration into an opportunity for New Yorkers to make their voices heard.
HR&A is proud serve as the program manager leading the design and implementation of this innovative civic engagement initiative on behalf of a coalition of ten New York City foundations, including the Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and others. Talking Transition aims to foster New York City’s first “open” transition by providing thousands of New Yorkers the opportunity to participate in public conversations about policy issues, ideas and questions that affect their communities.
Over the course of two weeks, starting today, Talking Transition will create the forum for these conversations by hosting live events in an open tent on Canal Street, bringing the discussion to all NYC neighborhoods with “mobile tents” and more than 100 canvassers, and elevating the best ideas on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. By mid-December, Talking Transition will demonstrate the results of this expansive initiative, revealing New Yorker’s sentiments about their neighborhoods and the direction of the city as told through TalkNYC, a new digital experience, and a series of live, interactive public engagement opportunities.
In addition to managing the overall initiative, HR&A developed the content for TalkNYC with Control Group and is leading the programming of events and activities. The project is already making quite a stir in the press, and we encourage you, your colleagues, and your friends and families to get involved: Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, #TalkingTransition. Visit our website: