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Empoderando a los Municipios de Puerto Rico: Presentando el Navegador de Fondos Federales


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La Liga de Ciudades de Puerto Rico lanzó recientemente su Navegador de Financiamiento Federal , una plataforma en línea destinada a agilizar el acceso de los municipios a las oportunidades de financiamiento provistas por la Ley de Inversión en Infraestructura y Empleos (IIJA, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación (IRA, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta herramienta simplifica el proceso de acceso a más de $107 mil millones para los que Puerto Rico es elegible, para proyectos de cambio climático e infraestructura Rico. 


Continuando con nuestra larga colaboración con La Liga, que se remonta a 2019, HR&A tuvo el placer de colaborar en este Navigator. Brinda acceso a más de 140 fuentes de financiamiento federal para iniciativas como infraestructura de transporte, energía renovable y justicia climática. 


Cristina Miranda-Palacios, directora fundadora de la Liga de Ciudades de Puerto, destacó los retos que enfrentan los equipos municipales más pequeños con recursos limitados para navegar por las agencias federales. Las características únicas del navegador incluyen un cuestionario de preparación para evaluar la viabilidad de la aplicación (equivalente a recibir comentarios incluso antes de enviar las solicitudes) y la capacidad de guardar las solicitudes en curso. El acceso al navegador es gratuito para los 78 municipios de Puerto Rico y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro que trabajan con ellos. 



La Liga está comprometida con promover la evolución de los gobiernos locales y la transformación de Puerto Rico, empezando por sus municipios. En los próximos años, habrá una oportunidad sin precedentes para construir energía local en Puerto Rico, y con esta herramienta, los municipios y comunidades pueden solicitar directamente 107 mil millones en fondos federales para apoyar proyectos que satisfagan las necesidades de la comunidad.  


Además de la herramienta de Financiamiento Federal, HR&A Advisors ha tenido el honor de apoyar a La Liga en el desarrollo y lanzamiento del Laboratorio Municipal de Innovación. En colaboración con PolicyLink, con el apoyo de Magic Cabinet y  la Fundación Ford, La Liga dio a conocer un recurso dinámico que ofrece un plan de estudios integral de consultoría estratégica, planificación centrada en la comunidad, asistencia técnica y talleres especializados.  


Artículos relacionados: 

Organización sin fines de lucro está a la disposición de ayudar municipios, elVocero 

Empoderando la Excelencia Municipal: La Liga de Ciudades de Puerto Rico (La Liga) lanza el Laboratorio Municipal de Innovación para la Gobernanza Local Transformadora , HR&A Advisors  


Lanzan plataforma para facilitar el acceso a $107 mil millones en fondos federales, News is my Business 


Liga de Ciudades presenta nuevo Navegador de Fondos Federales libre de costo, Metro Puerto Rico 


Crean plataforma que facilita el acceso de municipios y organizaciones a fondos federales para financiar proyectos, El nuevo día 



Empowering Puerto Rico’s Municipalities: Introducing the Federal Funds Navigator


Puerto Rico recently launched its Federal Funding Navigator an online platform aimed at streamlining municipalities’ access to funding opportunities provided by the Investment in Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This tool simplifies the process of accessing over $107 billion for which Puerto Rico is eligible, for climate change and infrastructure projects Rico. 


Continuing our longstanding collaboration with La Liga, which dates back to 2019, HR&A was pleased to collaborate on this Navigator. It provides access to over 140 federal funding sources for initiatives such as transportation infrastructure, renewable energy, and climate justice. 


Cristina Miranda-Palacios, the founding director of Liga de Ciudades de Puerto, highlighted the challenges faced by smaller municipal teams with limited resources in navigating federal agencies. Unique features of the navigator include a readiness questionnaire to evaluate application viability (equivalent to receiving feedback even before submitting applications) and the ability to save in-progress applications. Access to the navigator is free for Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities and the nonprofits working with them. 



La Liga is committed to promoting the evolution of local governments and the transformation of Puerto Rico, starting from its municipalities. In the next few years, there will be an unprecedented opportunity to build local power in Puerto Rico, and with this tool, municipalities and communities can apply directly for107 billion in federal funding to support projects that deliver on community needs.  


In addition to the Federal Funding tool, HR&A Advisors has been honored to support La Liga in developing and launching The Municipal Innovation Laboratory. In collaboration with PolicyLink, supported by the Magic Cabinet and Ford Foundation, La Liga unveiled a dynamic resource that offers a comprehensive curriculum of strategic consulting, community-focused planning, technical assistance, and specialized workshops.  


Related Articles: 

Organización sin fines de lucro está a la disposición de ayudar municipios, elVocero 

Empowering Municipal Excellence: League of Cities of Puerto Rico (La Liga) Launches the Municipal Innovation Laboratory for Transformative Local Governance , HR&A Advisors  


Platform launched to ease access to $107B in federal funds, News is my Business 


Liga de Ciudades presenta nuevo Navegador de Fondos Federales libre de costo, Metro Puerto Rico 


Crean plataforma que facilita el acceso de municipios y organizaciones a fondos federales para financiar proyectos, El nuevo dia 

HR&A Advisors Selected As First Consultant Team To Begin Work On A New Pennsylvania Avenue Plan



This press release was originally issued by NCPC


The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), on behalf of the Pennsylvania Avenue Partnership, announces the selection of HR&A Advisors as the first of two consultant teams to develop the New Pennsylvania Avenue Plan. The Partnership comprises the U.S. General Services Administration, National Park Service, District Government, Events DC, DowntownDC Business Improvement District, and NCPC.


The New Pennsylvania Avenue Plan will guide the redevelopment of this iconic public street, located between the White House and U.S. Capitol, as a dynamic public space and venue for major events and establish a new management entity for the long-term.


An industry leader in economic development and public policy, HR&A will lead an interdisciplinary team of experts to develop the implementation program of the New Plan. This will include developing a use and infrastructure program, conducting an economic analysis, assisting with the development of a new management entity, and preparing the New Pennsylvania Avenue Plan.


“Today marks an important step towards implementing our partners’ shared vision to reimagine Pennsylvania Avenue as a venue, a dynamic public space destination, and an economic catalyst that brings millions of tourists from the National Mall closer to downtown to support local businesses, restaurants, and entertainment. We are excited to bring HR&A’s expertise to advance this work,” said NCPC Executive Director Marcel Acosta.


A revitalized Pennsylvania Avenue will contribute to the District’s comeback, economic health, and cultural vibrancy through enhanced programming and as a scaled up events venue. Mayor Bowser highlighted the Avenue in her citywide economic development strategy and the Downtown Action Plan.


The second consultant team will be selected later this year to develop design alternatives for the Avenue using public comments from NCPC’s 2022 outreach and HR&A’s findings. The consultant teams will work together, using these alternatives to initiate a rigorous public process through the National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 processes.


Pennsylvania Avenue is currently guided by an outdated 1974 Plan. Over time, changing economic, physical, and land use conditions have significantly impacted the Avenue’s function and character, reducing its utility as a street. While the pandemic exacerbated these issues, we now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reinvigorate the Avenue as a place for people first.


Information about the Pennsylvania Avenue Initiative is available on the project website.


Updated Panther Island Strategic Vision Outlines a Generational Opportunity for Fort Worth


This press release was originally issued by Tarrant Regional Water District.


In 2023, the Panther Island Steering Committee* — which includes public partners and civic stakeholders invested in the success of Panther Island— initiated an update of the adopted vision for Panther Island. National real estate and economic development expert HR&A Advisors, which has worked on waterfront redevelopment projects throughout the country, was selected to provide key analysis and consulting services to help guide the future of Panther Island. Architecture firm Lake Flato was a key member of their consulting team, guiding recommendations on the urban design framework. 


On March 5, HR&A Advisors and Lake Flato presented key findings of the Panther Island Strategic Vision Update as well as the Panther Island Real Estate, Economic Development and Implementation Strategies. The update indicates that the Panther Island redevelopment project is a once-in-a-generation placemaking opportunity for Fort Worth and the region. The final reports provide a roadmap for future decision-making, lay the groundwork for a market responsive and well-planned waterfront district, and foster sustainable development in the city’s core. 


The original, nearly 20-year-old plan for Panther Island was approved by the Fort Worth City Council in 2004. Since then, Fort Worth has seen record growth, becoming the 13th largest and fastest growing large city in the U.S. 


“Panther Island is a generational development to create economic and recreational opportunities for Fort Worth communities and support continued growth as the city welcomes new businesses, residents and visitors,” said Aaron Abelson, Managing Partner for Texas, HR&A Advisors. “Panther Island’s size, proximity to downtown, and the abundance of public land create a rare opportunity for government and private investment to work in tandem. HR&A is proud to play a role in this historic public-private partnership.” 


Among other recommendations, HR&A’s updated strategic vision: 

    • Highlights a phased implementation strategy for near- and long-term development.
    • Emphasizes adding to a connected open-space network featuring continuous waterfront access.
    • Encourages a seamless connection to surrounding neighborhoods.
    • Recommends a governance structure for development on Panther Island.


    The Panther Island Strategic Vision Update as well as the Panther Island Real Estate, Economic Development and Implementation Strategies offer recommendations to guide the design and implementation of public and private investments on Panther Island and suggest additional work to keep advancing momentum and collaboration. 


    “We are excited to receive the recommendations of HR&A that are informed by vital input from the community,” TRWD Board President Leah King said. “We look forward to further evaluating the HR&A recommendations and designing the right path forward that ensures Panther Island reaches its full potential for the benefit of Fort Worth, Tarrant County and all of North Texas.” 


    Over the past year, HR&A engaged and sought input from numerous local stakeholders, including landowners, community members from surrounding neighborhoods, real estate and civic organizations, and others. The guiding principles for the updated vision are grounded in the valuable feedback provided by the community: 

      • One-of-a-kind waterfront district nestled in the Trinity River.
      • Haven of diverse parks, green spaces, and experiences around every corner
      • Mixed-use neighborhood designed to build community
      • Destination connecting and complementing vibrant surrounding neighborhoods
      • Celebration of Fort Worth’s diverse communities and heritage
      • Economic driver sustaining the rapid growth of Fort Worth 


      “When we talk about the future of development in Fort Worth, citywide and on Panther Island, it is vital to have stakeholder and community voices at the table guiding that direction,” Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker said. “I appreciate the leadership from our partner agencies and the feedback from residents and business owners throughout this process to work collaboratively to build out plans that reflect the future of Fort Worth.” 


      The new vision aligns with the City’s Economic Development Strategic Plan. It is grounded in high-quality development, an engaging public waterfront, a destination connecting and complementing vibrant surrounding neighborhoods, and place-making of the highest order. View the Panther Island Strategic Vision Update on A public meeting will be held in the coming weeks to provide further insight into the updated strategic vision. 


    • Additional Coverage:  New & improved vision for Panther Island waterfront district on Trinity River unveiled, CBS News Texas  

      Fort Worth leaders reveal new roadmap for developing Panther Island. Where does it lead? Fort Worth Report 


      ‘One of a kind waterfront.’ Here’s the new vision for Fort Worth’s Panther Island, Fort Worth Star- Telegram 


      HR&A Advisors and Lake | Flato present Panther Island Vision 2.0, FTWtoday 


      Fort Worth’s Panther Island Vision Revitalized: A Blueprint for Waterfront Development, BNN Breaking 


Black Women Leading the Way: A Conversation with HR&A’s Two Newest Board Members



­We sat down with HR&A’s two newest Board Members, Principal Lydia Gaby and Nike Irvin, to learn more about their experiences as Black women in organizational and leadership roles. Nike and Lydia share personal stories underscoring the importance of support networks, proactive allyship, and inclusivity in creating environments conducive to everyone’s success, while also recognizing the ongoing journey towards representation, equity, and inclusion in leadership.



As a Black woman contributing to the culture and strategic direction at HR&A and other companies where you serve on Boards, how does your lived experience influence your leadership style and approach to mentorship?


Lydia: One of the things I often say is that I’ve never met an institution that was designed for me. Never. Part of that comes from having a biracial background and never fitting entirely into any homogenous community. When you’re in the in-betweens, you need to find a way to navigate and bring visibility to your issues or else you are solving all of your own problems, especially if you’re a high achiever.


One of the key strategies I’ve implemented is the concept of “wraparound support,” where individuals are seen and supported in their entirety, rather than just addressing visible issues. This approach not only helped me overcome challenges but also inspired me to create support systems for others facing similar hurdles.


Nike:  My recent experience at the HR&A Summit in Eastern Shore Maryland struck me with an exceptional energy and creativity within the Black Employee Resource Group, which I found to be truly noteworthy. The camaraderie and level of engagement was noticeable, particularly during activities like the Jeopardy game. It was clear to me that there is a strong sense of connectivity within the group, leading to both tangible and intangible benefits such as feeling supported, valued, and understood.



This experience reminded me of a pivotal moment in my previous role at the California Community Foundation, where I was the senior most ranking Black staff member during a time of societal unrest following tragic events like the Mother Emanuel shooting, Eric Garner, and Trayvon Martin. In a moment of uncertainty, I was approached by younger African American colleagues seeking guidance, and while I didn’t have all the answers, I recognized the power of collaboration and solidarity. Together, we formed a support group that provided a sense of community and resilience during difficult times. It’s clear to me that initiatives like these not only provide a sense of belonging for employees but also contribute to a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.


My observations at the Summit underscore the importance of HR&A’s Employee Resource Groups and similar initiatives in fostering connectivity, support, and resilience within organizations. By leveraging the collective strength and diversity of its members, companies can create environments where all employees feel valued, seen, and empowered to make meaningful contributions.



Lydia, with your recent appointment to the board as its employee-owner representative, from your perspective, how does your presence impact the direction of decision-making processes within the ?


Lydia: In anticipation of my first upcoming board meeting, I’m actively thinking of the strategies I’ll bring to the table. I’m eagerly preparing to leverage my voice and perspective within the boardroom, particularly drawing inspiration from Nike. As our company experiences growth and evolution, I firmly believe that tapping into the collective wisdom of our consulting staff is essential for charting our course forward. Solutions often emerge from within the organization, and having staff representation ensures that their perspectives shape our decisions.


My excitement for this role stems from my belief in a participatory decision-making process. Throughout my tenure at HR&A, I’ve worn various hats, from Research Analyst to Principal, giving me a comprehensive understanding of the company’s operations and the challenges our staff encounter daily. Moreover, as an employee-owned company, I see this opportunity as a means to further explore how staff can collaboratively shape our organization’s future. By bridging the gap between leadership and employees, we can ensure that our decisions align with our collective mission and values.


In essence, I am eager to bring my diverse experiences and perspectives to the boardroom, working alongside my colleagues to steer HR&A towards a future that prioritizes the employee experience and serves our communities effectively.



How do you believe personal connection and proactive outreach contribute to fostering inclusive communities within organizations and groups?


Lydia: One crucial aspect of fostering inclusive communities is recognizing the importance of personal connection. Oftentimes, individuals may feel hesitant to fully engage in certain groups or organizations because they don’t feel centered or welcomed. I’ve personally encountered situations where I joined groups but didn’t quite feel like I belonged, leading me to take a proactive approach in reaching out to others. This can involve extending personal invitations, creating opportunities for meaningful engagement, and addressing any barriers that may prevent certain individuals from fully participating.




Nike: That statement reminds me of a powerful analogy shared by a friend who worked in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Netflix. They said diversity is having a party, equity is playing music that I like, and inclusion is inviting me to dance. This metaphor highlights the multifaceted nature of creating inclusive environments and emphasizes the importance of taking deliberate actions to ensure that all individuals feel seen, heard, and valued. Ultimately, building strong and supportive communities requires more than just symbolic gestures. It requires genuine effort, empathy, and a willingness to challenge existing norms and practices that may perpetuate exclusion. By prioritizing personal connections and actively working to foster inclusivity, we can create spaces where everyone feels like they truly belong.


Nike you serve on multiple Boards, can you discuss the significance of diversity for Boards of Directors, particularly in terms of minority representation?


Nike: I think it’s important to take the time to reframe discourse surrounding this word, “minority.” In California, where traditional notions of majority and minority may seem obsolete, it’s important to recognize the power dynamics at play. Recently, I was inspired by Common, the rapper and activist, who rejects the label of “minority” as it undermines one’s worth and contribution. This resonated deeply with me, emphasizing the importance of language, and framing in shaping perceptions.


As a trustee and advisor, I strive to influence policies and practices that prioritize fairness and recognition of individuals’ contributions, regardless of societal labels. It is through intentional actions and thoughtful dialogue that we can truly embody the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.



What are your thoughts on the unique challenges that black women face in organizations or leadership roles today?


Nike: In our society, there are often moments that weigh heavily on the experiences of Black women. Recently, we witnessed the resignation of Harvard’s president Dr. Claudine Gay. It’s still evident that despite attaining high levels of success and leadership, Black women continue to experience relentless and disproportionate scrutiny, underestimation, and marginalization.


However, amidst these struggles, there are glimmers of hope. Celebrating milestones like Lydia’s appointment to the board of HR&A, and my own privilege to serve on various boards, demonstrates progress. Additionally, the increasing number of Black women attaining degrees and the gradual closure of the pay equity gap are positive indicators of change. While there are reasons to remain cautious, it’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate these advancements. As we navigate the complexities of societal dynamics, let us continue to uplift and support the resilience of Black women, ensuring that their contributions are recognized and valued.


Lydia: As a Harvard graduate, I can’t help but acknowledge the complexities that come with being a part of such a prestigious institution. My time there was filled with both wonderful moments and significant challenges. Notwithstanding the very intense political dynamics currently at play on campus, the recent events surrounding President Gay have prompted me to consider the unique pressures that women in leadership positions face. It’s clear that women in positions of power are held to a higher standard, expected to embody an unimpeachable character while navigating the intricacies of leadership. What struck me most about President Gay’s situation was the overtly political nature of the attacks against her, which were conducted without regard for fairness or integrity. The fact that these attacks were allowed to persist, ultimately leading to President Gay’s resignation, is a disappointing reminder of the hostile environment that Black women leaders often find themselves in. It underscores the importance of not only advocating for oneself but also building a network of supportive allies who can help navigate and mitigate such challenges.


As a Black woman, I am aware of the strategic role that we must play in leadership positions, constantly balancing the need to assert ourselves and navigate systemic biases. It’s a delicate balance, and one that requires resilience, determination, and a strong support network. Ultimately, the events at Harvard serve as a stark reminder of the uphill battle that women, particularly women of color, face in leadership. While progress has been made, there is still much work to be done to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to thrive in positions of power, free from undue scrutiny and bias.


Congratulations to Carl Weisbrod for Making the 2024 New York City Power 100 List!



HR&A congratulates Senior Advisor Carl Weisbrod on his inclusion in the City and State 2024 New York City Power 100 list!  


Carl’s distinguished 40-year career in public service and urban development has been dedicated to building accessible, resilient, and economically vibrant communities. He has guided some of New York’s most significant public agencies and transformative development initiatives in leadership roles at HR&A Advisors, as chairman of the NYC Planning Commission, and as director of the NYC Department of City Planning.

Carl was previously included in the PoliticsNY Transportation Power Player List as well.  


As we celebrate Carl Weisbrod’s well-deserved recognition, we commend his ongoing commitment to shaping a brighter, more sustainable future for New York City. 

Bowser Administration Releases Plan for More Housing in Rock Creek West


This press release was originally issued by the DC Office of Planning


Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework is the Latest Proposal to Create More Opportunities in Thriving Neighborhoods


(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Office of Planning (OP) released the Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework to advance the District’s housing goals in neighborhoods west of Rock Creek Park.


“The Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework brings a vision of equitable development and opportunities for all residents,” said Office of Planning Director Anita Cozart. “The recommendations will enable more DC residents access to the schools, jobs, transit, and other amenities this part of the city has to offer.”


The Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework lays the groundwork for up to 9,500 new homes, including up to 1,700 dedicated affordable in Friendship Heights and Tenleytown. Recommendations rooted in urban design promote well-designed blocks that serve residents of all ages and abilities with active public spaces anchored by retail, restaurants, and cultural and entertainment uses.


The Rock Creek West Roadmap, released in 2021, outlined District programs and policies to address the shortage of affordable housing in this area of the city—working toward Mayor Bowser’s goal of 1,990 additional affordable housing units in Rock Creek West. The Rock Creek West Roadmap includes a combination of key District tools and programs, including Comprehensive Plan land use guidance; neighborhood-based plans; housing tools, such as inclusionary zoning; and targeted investments, such as the Housing Production Trust Fund.


The Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework concludes a trio of planning work for Rock Creek West led by the Office of Planning. OP completed the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan in 2022 and the Connecticut Avenue Design Guidelines in 2023. Together, these three plans allow for approximately 10,000 new housing units, of which over 2,000 could be dedicated affordable housing. Over 80% of this new housing capacity is within walking distance of a Metrorail station and adjoining commercial corridors.


Recommendations for the Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework were developed through extensive community engagement and coordination with Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, civic associations, Main Street organizations, and other stakeholders. OP also synchronized efforts with concurrent planning efforts led by the District Department of Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and Montgomery County, Maryland.


Following the Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework’s release, OP will use the guidance in the Development Framework to inform zoning changes for this part of Wisconsin Avenue NW.


Read the Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework on the Office of Planning website.

First Dedicated Fund to Invest in Public Options to Address Consolidated Corporate Power, Counter Acute Affordability Challenges



This press release was originally issued by Economic Security Project.


Washington D.C. – Today, Economic Security Project (ESP) launched the Public Options for America Fund to build robust and competitive public options for sectors including housing, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, childcare, and energy, investing in the most promising and innovative public options models and leaders of today. The fund invests in public options that can coexist with private options, with the desired outcome of creating greater economic choice and resilience for individuals and families. By creating more competition in a consolidated market, we can leverage public options as a tool to make markets work for people, instead of a handful of corporations.


The launch of the fund comes at a moment of historic public investment- including the Biden Administration’s infusion of nearly $4 trillion through the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, and others. There is momentum to experiment with new models of governance through public options, with states like New York and California leading the way on innovations in public solar and AI respectively.


“As people feel the squeeze of skyrocketing housing costs, rising healthcare costs, and having to choose between care for their children or their aging parents, public options can be a lifeline,” said Harish I. Patel, Vice President of Build the Field at Economic Security Project. “Public options empower both communities currently confronting an affordability crisis as well as local governments that are looking for ways to rise up to tackle the full suite of emerging threats and crises from climate change to artificial intelligence.”


“For decades, economic and political power has shifted from the hands of people and communities to a handful of corporations. This has led directly to a shortage of basic necessities – as we have seen in childcare – and an explosion in costs – as we have seen in healthcare,”  said Becky Chao, Director of Antimonopoly at Economic Security Project. “Public Options for America Fund is an investment in a future where communities can access core goods and services locally, where small businesses and main streets can thrive again, and where we rebuild trust in the government to prioritize the well-being and prosperity of all of us.”


“Public options provide critical tools for combatting inequality and strengthening our democracy by bringing communities back into the democratic process, building robust public power, and baking in equity at the root of these endeavors, thereby ensuring that communities of color are able to thrive alongside their fellow Americans,” said Javier Valdés, Director, Civic Engagement and Government at Ford Foundation. “We are proud to invest in Economic Security Project and partner with them to build a vision for a strong and resilient economy that works for all.”


“Our broken systems have diminished economic opportunities for Americans all across this country for the last 40 years,” said Zeeba Khalili, Vice President of Grantmaking & External Affairs, Marguerite Casey Foundation. “As we continue to struggle with shortages in necessities like childcare, and see rising costs from pharmaceutical companies and energy providers, public options help consumers take back power, create healthy competition in our business sector, and revitalize our communities.”


Public Options for America Fund

Public Options for America Fund Grantees
[Energy] California Public Banking AllianceCitizens Power Board of OhioClimate & Community ProjectMaine People’s Resource CenterCoalition for Green Capital, [Childcare] Roosevelt Institute/Community Change, [Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals], T1 InternationalYale Law SchoolBe A Hero, [Housing] KC Tenants

Public Options Fund Partners
[Energy] NY Public Solar SupportCenter for Public Enterprise [Food] Economic Security Illinois – Support for Chicago Grocery Store in partnership with HR&A as well as the Venice Mayor Tyrone Echols, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson [AI] Vanderbilt Policy AcceleratorEconomic Security California – Support for CalCompute

Public Options Community of Practice

Building Tomorrow Together: Insights from HR&A Leaders on Engaging Communities and Developing for Inclusivity in Today’s Urban Landscape



We sat down with Senior Advisors Derek Fleming and Marilynn Davis to highlight the industry’s evolution towards genuine inclusion. They discuss the role of public-private partnerships in fostering equity and maximizing public engagement, especially in addressing the needs of Black communities.


There’s a growing recognition among companies regarding the importance of community engagement, especially in underrepresented areas. How do you feel the industry has evolved and are there any noticeable trends towards genuine inclusion?


Marilynn: Community engagement is ingrained in a vast majority of the urban projects we’ve been seeing. It is especially evident in requests from city governments, neighborhood associations, and educational institutions, like urban-based universities. This evolution underscores a fundamental shift in how institutions view their relationship with the communities they serve or are embedded within. At HR&A, we view cities not merely as geographical locations but as dynamic ecosystems, where interactions among diverse components drive growth and vitality.



When elements within these ecosystems falter, whether due to shifting dynamics or unhealthy components, the entire system is jeopardized. So, it’s imperative to prioritize community input and address concerns raised by the communities these organizations touch. By incorporating community feedback into projects, organizations can proactively adapt and ensure that developments align with the evolving needs and aspirations of the communities they impact.


Derek: Historically communities of color have been fighting for their voice and enfranchisement, around issues of community policing, educational equity and investment, housing, neighborhood resources and public infrastructure. I remember my dad speaking to me about how during his young adulthood the Black Panthers, SNCC and, NAACP were core national organizations that fought for the upliftment of voices and community engagement, where black and brown communities could be included in the evolution of their neighborhoods.


We still see this tension and gap in community inclusion today. The health, food, and justice disparities glaringly spotlighted during the COVID era, proved to us once again the need for real input, feedback, understanding and agency in the community development process. There needs to be a holistic approach within the development process, where cities, philanthropic organizations, developers, and community development entities collaborate to establish a consensus on the future trajectory of neighborhoods, ensuring benefits for all stakeholders, particularly the folks who live there and our most impacted.


Achieving a comprehensive and inclusive development strategy requires input from all segments of the community. Therefore, community engagement becomes intrinsic to the process. I see it as central to my practice and it’s exciting to know its core tenant of our firm’s mission as we seek equitable development in our engagements.


Do you feel that having that inclusive process leads to better long-standing results?


Derek: I believe we should always seek sustainability in our projects. A holistic, community-centered engagement process heightens the probability of sustainability and depth.   Reflecting on HR&A’s longstanding presence, projects like the Atlanta Beltline exemplify our integral role in introducing impactful open spaces to cities. These endeavors not only showcase creative governance structures and innovative financing methods but also prioritize delivering amenities that communities can proudly benefit from for generations. Our current projects echo this ethos, laying the groundwork for enduring structures that champion inclusivity and restoration.


In many instances, our work involves rectifying past disparities in economic empowerment and investment, particularly in black and brown communities. This process embodies a commitment to replenishment, restoration, and respect for Culture, paving the way for sustainable development that transcends surface-level solutions, and looks for authentic ways to include the community in the economics, the equity conversation at hand. I’m inspired knowing that at HR&A, we take pride in our firm’s dedication to projects that transcend fleeting trends, aren’t Band-Aids. It’s refreshing to be part of a team that embraces the challenge of creating lasting change through thoughtful and sustainable urban development practices.



Marilynn: Our work in the knowledge economy sector assist, higher education institutions, and research centers in harnessing their intellectual assets to shape an environment that aligns with their objectives. I was involved in a project where a university hospital was situated in close proximity to a large research institution and public housing. Located in an area ripe for redevelopment, adjacent to underused sites, and near the heart of a city, the project posed multifaceted challenges and opportunities.


Too often disproportionate focus is on research labs and research itself, rather than on a broader set of elements that facilitate it, such as housing, amenities, and community development. A successful innovation hub is not solely for researchers or doctors exclusively; it includes everyone integral to the institution’s functionality. This includes lab technicians and even individuals responsible for maintaining cleanliness, and we saw this in during COVID19 pandemic with essential workers. By prioritizing inclusivity and community engagement,


How do both of you envision the role of public private partnerships evolving to address the needs of black communities in the context of urban development and revitalization efforts?


Derek: Along my real estate journey, I’ve come to appreciate the substantial opportunity and pivotal structure that the public private model represents, particularly when addressing issues of historic disenfranchisement, displacement, lack of intentional, additive investment. Public private approaches along with authentic engagement can go a long way in assuring equitable outcomes. Reflecting on projects like Sweet Auburn in Atlanta underscores the transformative potential when historic communities receive the attention they deserve. Once a vibrant example of black excellence and the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr., thriving entertainment venues, the nation’s premier black-owned insurance company, the community’s prosperity ended with the onset of desegregation and the forced intrusion of a highway erected into the core of the neighborhood.

Our SAGE project brought us in collaboration with local non-profit organizations tasked with revitalizing this historic district. We established a great partnership.  By aligning the interests of public interest groups with those of private developers, we ensure that the community’s voice remains central to the redevelopment process. Our work establishing a governance structure for these organizations to make meaningful decisions alongside private partners fosters a collaborative environment conducive to positive outcomes.




As a result of the work, the neighborhood is empowered to make decisions alongside private developers who want public interest groups  to build, and enter the community. They are structured now to operate with capacity, understanding and empowerment alongside the private sector. This synergy between the public and private sectors holds immense promise for creating inclusive and sustainable communities, where a full range of voices are heard and opportunity is shared.


Marilyn: I similarly believe that the scale of challenges cities face will solidify the importance of public-private partnerships (PPPs) . The public sector can leverage its ability to establish a framework that incentivizes private developers and capital to contribute to projects of high value to the community. Cities would benefit from a reward structure that enable the public sector step in and take risks in a way that is difficult for the public sector to do.  For instance, establishing entitlement structures, zoning regulations and infrastructure frameworks within a district can advance a shared vision. Additionally, mechanisms such as tax credits and grants can play a pivotal role in stabilizing the financial viability of projects. This is especially pertinent in the current climate, where housing affordability remains a pressing concern nationwide. The framework established by the public sector to facilitate developers’ inclusion of these elements in their projects is important when addressing such challenges effectively.


Where do you see the industry going currently and what are some new opportunities that you’re excited for?


Marilynn: The industry is currently witnessing a profound shift towards large-scale transformative projects that have the potential to revolutionize entire city districts, promising exciting opportunities for urban revitalization. At HR&A, we are deeply involved in endeavors aimed at rectifying historical urban injustices, including  those stemming from the misguided urban renewal policies of the past century. As we embrace the burgeoning knowledge economy and strive to harness intellectual assets, cities and nations are increasingly focused on leveraging these assets to shape their built environments.


Derek: What drives me is the evolving understanding and agency within communities, sparked by the wake of COVID-19 and the nationwide reckoning with racial justice. This heightened awareness has fostered an environment of openness and progressiveness, allowing a fertile ground for innovation and creative problem-solving.


As professionals, we now have the opportunity to explore unconventional tools and models, while remaining rooted in tried-and-true approaches. It’s about leveraging public resources, city land, and collaborating across sectors – from the private to the philanthropy- to address complex societal challenges with fresh perspectives. What excites me most is the freedom to approach these issues with creativity, intentionality, and community engagement.


From reimagining food systems to tackling climate change and fostering business ownership opportunities within communities, and building spaces that celebrate the inherent culture, bold conversations are taking place. There’s a shift towards inclusivity and empowerment, particularly for marginalized and historically overlooked communities. It’s about harnessing the rich cultural capital inherent in these communities and transforming it into tangible economic opportunities for those who own it. I’m motivated and excited to continue to push the envelope towards really creative ways of resolving these issues, particularly for communities that have been locked out, marginalized, ill equipped, underinvested and ignored, but have a ton of culture that is actually driving the economies of some of the cities that we’re discussing. The culture of these communities is really a driving force. And so how do we then make sure that that content and that character, that cultural capital becomes an economic opportunity for the people who own it?



Marilynn: We are at a pivotal juncture where traditional development is undergoing a significant shift. Previously, the development process primarily unfolded within the confines of boardrooms, with input limited from developers, architects, engineers, the client and some city officials. However, this antiquated approach is no longer sufficient. Today, we recognize the need to consider the broader ecosystem and the multifaceted impacts of our projects on the surrounding community. This shift necessitates embracing a more holistic perspective, as highlighted by Derek. The evolving landscape of development presents exciting opportunities for innovation and collaboration, ushering in a new era where considerations extend beyond the immediate project scope to encompass the larger societal and environmental implications.


Regional Workplace Scenario Planning Study Explores Impact of Telework



This press release was originally issued by National Capital Planning Commission.

Regional Workplace Scenario Planning Study Explores Impact of Telework

National Capital Planning Commission and Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Release Study


Washington, DC—Teleworking accelerated during the pandemic, altering where people work and commute. While this trend is playing out across the country, the National Capital Region has a unique set of challenges, as its largest single employer is the federal government. The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), a federal agency, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), an association of local governments, joined together to develop a scenario-based study to better understand how this trend might impact the region and its individual jurisdictions.


NCPC and COG released findings from the Workplace Scenario Planning Study, prepared by the consultant team consisting of The Schreifer Group, HR&A Advisors Inc., and Wells + Associates. Scenario planning was used to better understand the cumulative impacts of federal telework and hybrid workplaces on the National Capital Region. Scenarios also provide a tool that federal agencies and regional jurisdictions can use to better understand the implications of telework policies. The report does not provide policy recommendations but will inform NCPC’s updates to policies in the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital’s Federal Elements and COG’s regional planning efforts. NCPC uses the Comprehensive Plan’s Federal Elements for its review of plans, proposals, and policies for federal land and building development.



The study considered three baseline scenarios (minimum telework, 1-2 days per two weeks; moderate telework, 4-6 days per two weeks; and maximum telework, 8-10 days per two weeks) and analyzed each scenario’s impact on the region’s federal real estate, federal workforce demographics, where federal workers live, and public transportation and commuting patterns.



Key findings from the Workplace Scenario Planning Study include:

    • Accelerating Reduce the Footprint: Telework will likely accelerate reduction of the federal government’s real estate inventory by enabling actions to consolidate, co-locate, and dispose of property. However, the type of facility use (and whether the use can be conducted in person or not) determines how this will affect each agency, individual jurisdictions (primarily at the county level), and the region. For example, national security and defense, and research and laboratory uses are more likely to require an in-person workforce.
    • Retaining and Attracting Talent: In an age where flexibility is highly valued, the ability to telework is a key factor in retaining and attracting talented workers.
    • Modifying Transportation and Commuting Patterns: Increased telework provides flexibility for where federal workers reside and alters commuting habits. This shift encourages more non-work-related travel and can lead to a decrease in daily Metro ridership, potentially impacting the region’s transportation infrastructure and service.
    • Changing Sustainability Implications: The net sustainability impact of telework remains unclear. While building energy use may decrease, at-home energy costs and non-work-related trips may increase.
    • Varying County Implications: Each county’s unique blend of agencies, facility mission and use, and potential lease expirations will play a role in how jurisdictions may be impacted.


  • Telework Implications by National Capital Region JurisdictionThe federal government is the single largest owner and occupant of real estate in the region. The General Services Administration’s National Capital Region portfolio consists of 474 total leases consisting of over 44 million rentable square feet, with 58 percent of the leases set to expire in the next five years. The report analyzed telework implications by county (and Washington, DC), considering the likelihood that federal leases expiring in the next five years would be reduced from the federal real estate inventory. The report analyzed the use of workspaces across three categories—administrative offices, research and labs, and national security and defense—to understand how likely they may be reduced. While each jurisdiction’s unique blend of agencies and lease expirations plays a role in how it might be impacted, the presence or absence of national security agencies emerges as a pivotal factor, as telework is less likely due to security requirements and the need for in-person training.


    The following summarizes telework implications on Washington, DC and Maryland/Virginia counties.


    Washington, DC holds almost half of all federal real estate leases in the region. While more than 200,000 federal workers are based in Washington, only 16% reside in the District of Columbia. Any changes in federal telework policy will have a significant impact on Washington, given that it has a large component of telework-eligible jobs.


    Prince George’s County, MD may face potential challenges with 46% of its federal office space leases nearing their termination, signaling moderate impact. While the absence of security/defense-related agencies could signify high exposure to office space reductions, the necessity of in-person presence in labs for various scientific activities can act as a crucial buffer against sharp reductions in the county’s occupied spaces, potentially reducing telework’s overall impact on office space occupancy.


    Montgomery County, MD has 15% of federal leases nearing their expiration but benefits from the presence of several large federal employment hubs. The presence of entities like the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, known for their extensive lab spaces, makes this county less susceptible to shifts towards telework. The quantity of research and lab spaces, where scientists and researchers are required to work in person, might counterbalance telework’s potential impact, rendering it minimal to moderate.


    Fairfax County, VA will see 27% of its leased federal spaces expiring within the next five years. The imminent expiration of more than a quarter of its leases could be counteracted by the stability offered by national security and defense agencies, signaling moderate impact.

  • Arlington County, VA will see approximately 25% of its commercial federal leases approaching their expiration dates. However, Arlington is home to significant national security entities, signaling moderate impact. This robust presence of security/defense-related agencies may potentially serve as a mitigating factor against substantial declines in federal office occupancy rates.


    Alexandria, VA faces 94% of its federal office spaces nearing lease termination coupled with a lack of key security agencies. However, this high rate is most likely representing one agency, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, so impact could remain low.


    Loudoun County and Prince William County, VA, and Fairfax City, VA display lease expirations ranging from 0% to 15%. Their agency composition and lease dynamics indicate a potential low to moderate impact from telework.


    NCPC will develop policies in the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital’s Federal Workplace Element to address the top key issues identified in the study. COG will continue conversations among area jurisdictions to address these important regional impacts.


    The National Capital Planning Commission is the federal government’s central planning agency in Washington, DC and surrounding counties of Maryland and Virginia. The Commission provides overall guidance for federal land and buildings in the region. It also reviews the design of federal projects and memorials, oversees long-range planning for future development, and monitors capital investment by federal agencies.


    The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is an independent, nonprofit association that brings area leaders together to address major regional issues in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia. COG’s membership is comprised of 300 elected officials from 24 local governments, the Maryland and Virginia state legislatures, and U.S. Congress.