New Haven Inclusionary Housing Framework
In response to input from residents, affordable housing advocates and developers, the City of New Haven engaged HR&A to develop an inclusionary zoning policy that ensures long-term affordability, inclusive growth, and thriving neighborhoods. Over 50 affordable homes have been approved since the ordinance’s approval in 2022.
HR&A reviewed existing real estate market conditions, assessed potential incentive tools, and engaged key public and private sector stakeholders across neighborhoods to understand the housing landscape throughout New Haven. This informed our financial pro forma analyses to evaluate development scenarios for a range of building typologies and submarkets.
Our analysis measured the impact of an Inclusionary Zoning policy at different levels of housing affordability and assessed various land use and financial incentives that could maximize affordable housing production. Based on these findings, HR&A created an inclusionary policy for New Haven that balances housing policy priorities by targeting inclusionary requirements to align with local market strength, and we assisted the City in developing a framework and manual for implementation and administration of the policy.
“Inclusionary” Housing Law Passes — New Haven Independent
City officials and advocates reflect on two terms of Elicker’s housing policy — Yale News