Austin Amandolia
Senior Analyst
Austin brings experience in data analysis and community organizing to support inclusive development, housing affordability, and economic empowerment.
Prior to joining HR&A, Austin spent two years advancing wealth generation opportunities by assisting in the development of a new non-profit organization, the North Carolina Employee Ownership Center (NCEOC), whose goal is to increase the number of employee-owned firms (such as HR&A) in North Carolina. Additionally, Austin worked as an Analyst for NCGrowth, an EDA-affiliated organization, where he provided economic development services for rural communities throughout North Carolina, including conducting economic impact assessments, developing economic resilience plans, and assisting in master planning workshops.
Austin received his Master of City and Regional Planning from UNC-Chapel Hill, specializing in economic and workforce development and urban data analytics. His master’s paper explored the policy implications of algorithmic bias in machine learning methods used to predict vacancy rates.
Member, Planners Network