Jayla Hart
Jayla is driven by her passion to create equitable, sustainable change within housing and community development. Her interdisciplinary analysis, technical assistance, and policy guidance helps clients across sectors advance real estate development and urban planning efforts.
Jayla is an experienced researcher and organizer who applies a people-centric, inclusive approach to analysis, community engagement, and project management. She works primarily across HR&A’s Housing Affordability, Real Estate Development Advisory, and Inclusive Cities practices, with experience conducting feasibility studies, community outreach, impact analyses, as well as developing financial models and housing plans.
Prior to joining HR&A, Jayla interned with The Bridges Collaborative, a nationwide school and neighborhood integration project at The Century Foundation. During her internship, she reported on progressive education policy and worked with various school districts and fair housing organizations. Jayla also interned with MEF Associates where she drafted a brief to support Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program administrators. Additionally, she conducted social psychology research for several years, with a focus on assessing how perceptions of racial history influence policy support. Outside of work, Jayla teaches yoga and enjoys writing poetry and baking.
Jayla has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociopolitical Psychology and a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of Virginia.