Maya Hamberg


An analyst in HR&A’s Washington DC office, Maya is motivated to help clients develop effective, equitable and innovative affordable housing policies and solutions.

Prior to joining HR&A, Maya was a Policy Analyst at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, working at the intersection of land, housing and economic development policy. Maya managed the Innovations in Manufactured Homes (I’m HOME) Network and gained extensive knowledge about manufactured housing related policy. She also supported the Accelerating Community Investment Initiative, providing technical assistance to public finance agencies to better understand and engage with mission-aligned capital holders. Additionally, Maya completed a research internship with Massachusetts Institute of a New Commonwealth (MassINC) on transformative transit-oriented development, specifically looking at how the decentralized workplace could be leveraged to spur development in Massachusetts’ Legacy Cities.

Maya is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Tufts University, holding a B.A. in Quantitative Economics with a focus in Urban Studies.